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Some of Our Satisfied Customers

"I wanted the best workboat on the market, so I bought a Farallon!"

Dick Debartola
Powerboat Magazine

"While surveying the Humboldt Bay entrance channel, our Farallon was struck by a 20' to 25' swell, submerged within the breaking wave, and survived with no damage to the vessel or crew. Needless to say, I am very pleased with my 25' Farallon."

S.M. Sullivan
Sea Surveyor, Inc.

"For its size, my Farallon 27' is the fastest, most sea-worthy sportfishing boat in Alaska. On many windy days, larger charterboats turn around because they cannot make enough speed to get to the fishing grounds. My Farallon just keeps on going, smoothly. The Farallon's hull rides the waves instead of pounding. I will be buying another Farallon."

Captain Andy Mezirow
Crackerjack Sportfishing Charter
Seward, Alaska

"Soon to start our 10th year of our reliable off shore boating with our Farallon. This is our dream boat and we love it!"

Dave and Joan Hinton
Sequin, Washington

"What impresses me most about the Farallon is the tough substructure of the boat, its ability to take heavy seas, all with a minimum of maintenance."

Chris Haynes
Jackson, Mississippi

"I spent one year shopping boat shows, dealers and the used boat market for a rugged, dependable, no frills, lots of fishing space, get home and stay alive to tell the story, trailerable boat. Having been a commercial fisherman, I knew what a fisherman needs from a fishing boat. I looked at the typical production lines of boats, all of which provide too many unnecessary frills that eat up valuable deck space. I made an excellent choice when I bought a Farallon 25' Whaleback. It has met or exceeded all of my expectations. My Farallon provides an unbelievably stable ride with a top speed of 37 M.P.H. I have yet to be passed by another boat!"

Greg McCloud
Southern California

© 2024 by Farallon Boats 

* All pricing and features are subject to change and does not include applicable tax or license.


3709 Seaport Blvd. West Sacramento,  CA 95691

Farallon Boats is a division of The Carter Group

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